


Updated 7 Jun, 2020
location_on London

Flying ceased, boarding passes stopped being scanned and
airport security lanes were empty. The world came face to face with a virus
infecting millions and killing thousands, something none of us expected to
experience in our lifetimes. A worldwide message to STAY HOME ringed
everywhere. Honestly, we don’t see ourselves travelling internationally again until
2021, which is hard to come to terms with however we believe that this is a
smart decision in order to protect our health and those of our family. Exploring
a new country, learning about new cultures, trying new food and meeting new
people is what we loved most about travelling and kept us excited while working
our 9-5 jobs. Travelling is a great passion of ours, but perhaps during the next
few months of not travelling, we will find new interests and hobbies. As a
future Pharmacologist having studied Virology continually across my degree, I
have learnt how swiftly viruses can spread and evolve, without a known cure and
the uncertainty surrounding Coronavirus, it has left us feeling uneasy. Not
knowing the standard of which planes, hotel rooms, public transport are cleaned
to, makes us paranoid about travelling and has sucked the joy and freedom out
of it. Over the last 3 years, we have explored 10 different cities and cannot
wait to start travelling again. While booking the next flight is very tempting,
we know that all these beautiful destinations and cultures will still be available
next year. Maybe our opinions will change in the upcoming months as the world
begins to recover from this tragic pandemic but for now, we are excited to
discover England and the rest of the United Kingdom. To all those that will be
travelling, we can’t wait to watch your adventures! Follow us on our Instagram
page: @jumpintothemap
Rest in peace to all who have lost their lives to Coronavirus
and our condolences their families and friends.
We hope all our readers remain safe at this time. God Bless.
Jason & Sekai.